Is your auctioneer licensed, bonded, certified, and insured?
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service's auctioneers are licensed and bonded in WV, PA, and OH. They are fully insured and Jim holds his national certification.
Is your auction company fully computerized, offering computerized clerking, cataloging, and settlement?
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service has some of the latest technology in computerized auctions. The complete auction is handled through use of the computer.
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service has some of the latest technology in computerized auctions. The complete auction is handled through use of the computer.
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service has mobile offices, mobile transportation and storage trailers, and the capability to move an entire auction to a set location for the convenience of the seller.
Is your auctioneer active in the community and knows what is happening in the field and area?
Our auctioneers are knowledgeable of their state auction laws. They are active in the communities, local business organizations, and in their state auctioneer's associations.
Is your auctioneer getting continuing education requirements?
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service's auctioneers maintain continuing education requirements each year at both local and national levels.
Can the auction company post your auction on a website and hand out "hand flyers" to buyers from the computer system?
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service maintains a listing of customers for each area of auction interest and generates flyers to send out accordingly. Our newest technology can deliver auction information via email.
Can your auction company move your items to a general location and add other items to enlarge an auction?
Yes, we have numerous trailers of multiple sizes in which to come to your location and load your items, taking them to another location that will provide the best auction site and experience. We also sometimes combine items of different sellers if that will improve the sale.
Does your auction company have over 75 years and 3 generations of auction experience?
Beginning with C.J. "Charlie" Behm, passing on to Charles J. "Bud" Behm, adding Charles J. "Joe" Behm, and then James A. "Jim" Behm, Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service has survived changes in the times and economy, auction interest, and development of the auction industry.
Can your auctioneer sell your personal property and real estate, all in one day?
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service has conducted personal property auctions where more than one auction ring was running at the same time due to a variety of items being offered for auction. This enabled our seller to conduct his auction in one day as opposed to multiple day auctions. Real estate is commonly offered on the same day and personal property is sold when both are being auctioned.
Can your auction company show you some post auctions and explain the auction process to you?
Behm's Auction and Real Estate Service handles each auction as its only auction, giving you the full attention needed in explaining, handling, and delivering the information needed to make critical decisions about your particular auction needs.